WPI Business School Dean Emeritus, Prof. Michael Ginzberg PhD, during a Zoom meeting, asked Diaspora Kenyans to get on board in the Diaspora University founding. Diaspora University is the main project of Diaspora University Town (DUT). The professor who has taught in over 10 universities in the U.S and Europe said, “The Founding of WPI in 1865 had more than 225 Worcester citizens and the workers at 20 of the City’s factories and machine shops join in the founding. We need a similar effort now to get to 2,000 Property & MSME Developers to found Diaspora University.”

Through a PowerPoint presentation Prof. Ginzberg showed his educational background and career. He did his bachelor’s degree and PhD at MIT. He started his working career at MIT in Cambridge, MA; taught in Columbia University in New York and other universities; and completed his career at WPI in Worcester, MA (2015 - 2020.) He was Dean of the WPI School of Business and Director of WPI Wall Street Project Center. He has been part of the Diaspora University founding since 2015.

Speaking on how universities support innovation and job creation. He said, “One of the roles of universities and business schools is to spur innovation and promote economic development. Universities play a key role in job creation.” He stated that U.S. universities have helped grow the U.S. economy to the current $27.5 trillion GDP.
Speaking on the ongoing Diaspora university development in Kenya he said, “Worcester Polytechnic Institute through the U.S.-Africa Business Conference (2004 - 2009) and through the years, since, has supported this idea.”
He presented the opportunity for the Diaspora Kenyans saying, “Diaspora Kenyans can start a university using Diaspora Remittances that come from innovation in the U.S. and in doing so promote innovation, job creation, and economic growth in Kenya.
He said the main resources for founding Diaspora University are: the WPI plan that started the university founding in 2006; the Master Development Plan that was achieved in 2009; the Land that was achieved in 2017; and, the 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans founders through property and MSMEs.

The former dean of business school and Director of WPI Wall Street Project center that works with some of the top banks in the world said, “Once 2000 Diaspora Kenyans join and play their role. Financial institutions through loans will give financial loans.”
To show the interrelation of University, the property developed and MSMEs; the professor presented that the WPI’s annual budget (2024) is over $300 million, is creating thousands of direct and indirect jobs in Worcester, MA plus nearly 2,000 graduates each year.
The professor informed the Diaspora Kenyans attending the zoom meeting that he has been involved in international education and is a founder or founding member of two institutions in developing economies. He said he was introduced to the Diaspora University project in 2015 and immediately saw potential. He said the WPI educational model, which will be applied in Diaspora University, is unique and graduates are uniquely qualified when they go through the model. He added that he wants to be part of another success story as Diaspora University is achieved to give education that boosts the economy

He further informed the Diaspora Kenyans that WPI is a premier STEAM-based institution that applies the theory and practice approach and Project-based learning. He said this approach makes WPI graduates, Tech savvy graduates, who understand application and the social context and are job ready. The graduates can build organizations and the economy. He said this is what Diaspora University will become.

The professor referencing the remittances data from Central Bank of Kenya that shows the Diaspora remittances 2015 – 2023 as $25 billion said, “Since 2015, Diaspora Kenyans have remitted over $25 billion, 60% coming from the U.S. These remittances have helped support the Kenyan economy; but the impact could be greater through supporting education.”
He added, “If 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans had made the decision in 2015 to be founders of the Diaspora University, some of the $25 billion remittances would already have built the buildings needed and started the university.” Considering remittances every year going forward, he said, “Diaspora Kenyans, you can fund the Diaspora University Project and other Projects moving forward.”
The professor further set up the Diaspora University founding plan and timeline. By March 2024: 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans Founders be achieved. June 2024: 50 Courses by Diaspora Scholars, 60 Courses by WPI and documents for submission to Commission of University Education (CUE) be ready. July 2024 – April 2025: CUE progressive review and approval; Construction of Buildings for Education, Residence, MSMEs and Other; faculty and staff employed; and, Student recruiting. May 2025 or September 2025: Diaspora University takes in first class
The professor outlined his 2024 to 2025 Diaspora University work plan that will start after 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans are achieved by the end of March 2024. He said that in April he will travel to Kenya to visit the Diaspora University site; visit the Commission of University Education to understand all requirements needed; and hold other meetings. He will thereafter kick off the preparations of courses and curriculum by Diaspora Scholars and WPI Scholars to be ready by June 2024.
He will progressively advise and establish ways for WPI professionals to offer consultancy on diverse academic plans, administration plans and building plans as the university set up continues. He will advise on faculty and staff requirements, recruitment and training. Lastly, in May/September 2025, he will travel to Kenya and be part of opening the Diaspora University and welcoming the first class.