Total 61 Posts

How Diaspora University Town (DUT) System Will Eradicate Slums

To eradicate slums in Kenya, millions of housing units will need to be built to meet both the deficit and the population growth demand. Diaspora University Town (DUT) that traces its origin from the desire by Diaspora Kenyans to eradicate slums, is progressing to play a role in eradicating slums.

Gov. Mwadime Meets Prof. Rose Lugano of Florida, a Diaspora University Founder

Prof. Rose Sau Lugano of Florida, U.S, who is one of the founders of the Diaspora University and is a native of Msau, Taita Taveta led a team to meet H.E Governor Andrew Mwadime at the Governors offices at Mwatate, Taita Taveta County. The professor was accompanied by

Five (5) Resources Developing Diaspora University Town

Diaspora University Town (DUT) is for making five (5) resources productive. The five resources once applied together will produce 10,000 jobs at DUT, a town of 15,000 residents, Diaspora university with 5,000 students, 3700 properties and about 300 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at DUT. The

How DUT Will Eradicate Slums

“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose,” Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors and innovators of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s is quoted saying. Diaspora University Town (DUT) system is for making

WPI Plan for Diaspora University

“Is the WPI Plan transferable to other universities? If the intent is to simply install the major components at another university without going through the planning and visioning process, the answer is almost certainly, “no.”, wrote Prof. John Orr in the book authored through articles by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)

Open Letter by Diaspora Kenyans Scholars, Scientists, Doctors, Nurses & Professionals

Dear Diaspora Kenyan and Friend, Over the years, Diaspora Kenyans have come together, created and progressed what is today the Diaspora University Town (DUT) project. The project is ongoing in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. We are developing a university with WPI University in Worcester of the state of Massachusetts in

The DUT THIDA System.

“The DUT Town House Investment and Development Agreement (THIDA) system is today progressing the development of townhouses at the Diaspora University Town (DUT) Site,” says Dan Kamau the Executive Trustee and Project Director of the DUT project.
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