Prof. Rose Sau Lugano of Florida, U.S, who is one of the founders of the Diaspora University and is a native of Msau, Taita Taveta led a team to meet H.E Governor Andrew Mwadime at the Governors offices at Mwatate, Taita Taveta County. The professor was accompanied by Dan Kamau, the Diaspora University Trust, Executive Trustee; Joshua Mwadeghu, of Ndara B Community; Engineer Hezekiah Mwalwala, the proprietor of Vacani Resort in Voi; and, Rose Mwadime, of Diaspora University Town physical planning.

Prof. Lugano who teaches at the University of Florida informed the Governor that Diaspora Kenyans are working hard to create education opportunities and create jobs in Kenya. She informed the Governor that she is part of the team of scholars who will open the Diaspora University that will give 200 Taita Taveta student’s university opportunity every year. 10 students enrolled from each of the 20 wards in the County.
Governor Mwadime welcomed the investments made by the Diaspora Kenyans and all other investors of the project. He said he fully supports and welcomes initiatives that will develop Taita Taveta County.
Joshua who contested to become a Member of County Assembly (MCA) in the concluded election and is now advancing Ndara B Community matters, informed the Governor that the preparation of the Diaspora Investment Bill, Housing Bill and others are ongoing. The Bills will enable projects in Taita Taveta to create jobs faster through the laws the bills create.
Eng. Mwalwala supporting the need to have strong laws that facilitate investment and jobs creation in Taita Taveta requested the Governor to do whatever possible to see bills that will progress the County as well as protect the capital of investors are passed.
The Governor said that once the County Attorney is confirmed he will ask him to look into all legal matters that will ensure everything is in order so the project can run smoothly.
Dan took the opportunity to update the Governor on the DUT project. He informed the Governor that Ndara B Community has started working on opening 28 companies that will supply the project. He said that WPI professors and Diaspora Kenyans professors have started the process that will lead to opening the Diaspora University. He informed the Governor that part of the Diaspora and WPI team will be visiting before the end of the year and if possible they will meet him. He also asked the Governor to consider visiting WPI and also engaging Diaspora Kenyans as they continue to invest in Taita Taveta.
The Governor was further informed that the scientist, Dr. Patrick Shompole, who he was supposed to meet had gone back to the U.S. Dan said that once he is back a meeting can be scheduled so the Governor can understand the medicine and vaccine project. The medicine and vaccine project that will be developed alongside the Diaspora University has the potential of growing to a Kshs 20 billion revenue company and improve the Taita Taveta County economy immensely.
The Governor appreciated the effort put in. He welcomed the ongoing investment and other investments that the Diaspora can bring to the County.
Prof. Lugano, who is also creating a dictionary of the Taita language and further writing a course on the Taita language that she looks forward to teaching at Diaspora University, thanked the Governor for meeting the Diaspora University Town team.