The city of Lowell, MA in the U.S is a university town with the University of Massachusetts Lowell that has about 18,500 students as one of the main economic driver’s alongside the Lowell General Hospital Healthcare System. The city has a GDP of about $4.2 billion of the $27.4 trillion U.S GDP.
Diaspora University Town (DUT) main economic driver will be the Diaspora University that is modeled based on the WPI university in Worcester. The university will grow to 5,000 students and have a hospital. Through applying a GDP growth system, the town plan will grow to a GDP of Ksh 15 billion as the first 4 year university class graduates.

Lowell city has grown to a population of 114,000 persons who reside in about 42,000 residential units. At an estimated average property value of $250,000 the 42,000 residential properties are valued at over $10 billion.
Diaspora University Town will grow to 25,000 residents who shall reside in the 7,000 housing units planned for development. At an average of Ksh 8.5 million the housing units will be valued at about Ksh 60 billion.
Lowell City is developed on land of about 9,000 acres and has about 500 km of road and infrastructure network that services about 20,000 properties.
Diaspora University Town plan of 1,500 acres will have 60 km road and infrastructure network servicing about 3,778 properties.

The biggest job creators in Lowell City are Lowell General Hospital Healthcare with about 3,700 jobs and University of Massachusetts, Lowell with about 2,300 jobs. The city has about 60,000 jobs created.
Diaspora University and Diaspora University Medical hospital will be the biggest job creators and will reach 2,000 jobs of the 15,000 jobs.

Lowell has over 1,000 MSMEs and organizations that include churches like NEEMA Church, St Stephen Church and others. The MSMEs include Whams Café, clothing shops, banks, car repairs and others.
Diaspora University Town will have 300 MSMEs and organizations. The MSMEs will include Daktari Biotechnology Ltd for Medicine and Vaccine Production, DUT Credit Ltd that will grow to a bank and others.