Asked why there is low jobs creation in Kenya, most Kenyans will say it is because of lack of money. Prof Michael Ginzberg, WPI Business School Dean Emeritus statements made during two zoom meetings make this answer wrong. The professor showed Kenyans that they have money and advised Diaspora Kenyans to use Diaspora remittances in creating jobs. He asked 2000 Diaspora Kenyans to join the founding of Diaspora University as property developers and founders of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.)

Statements by the Former Dean of Business School that reveal this fact.
- Founding of WPI (1865) - more than 225 WORCESTER CITIZENS and WORKERS at 20 of the CITY’S FACTORIES and MACHINE SHOPS joined in funding and founding WPI. WPI’s annual budget (2024) is over $300 million, creating thousands of direct and indirect jobs in Worcester, MA plus nearly 2,000 graduates each year.
- Since 2015, Diaspora Kenyans have remitted over $25 billion, 60% coming from the U.S. These remittances have helped support the Kenyan economy; but the impact could be greater through supporting education.
- If 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans had made the decision in 2015 to be part of the Diaspora University founding, some of the $25 billion remittances would already have built the buildings needed and started the university. Diaspora Kenyans. You can fund the Diaspora University Project and other projects.
- One of the roles of universities and business schools is to spur innovation and promote economic development. Universities play a key role in job creation. U.S. universities have helped grow the U.S. economy to $27.5 trillion GDP.
- Diaspora Kenyans can start a university using Diaspora Remittances that come from innovation in the U.S. and in doing so promote innovation, job creation, and economic growth in Kenya.
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute through the U.S.-Africa Business Conference (2004 - 2009) and through the years since has supported the Diaspora University idea. I have been part of the Diaspora University since 2015.