Total 37 Posts
Interlocking Blocks Manufacturing at DUT
Preparations for the manufacturing of one of the Diaspora University Town (DUT) building materials, the interlocking block have started. The interlocking block is one of the latest advancements in wall construction. Ndara B Community through the Ndara B Co. will manufacture 10 million interlocking blocks using 20 Machines provided by
Who Kenya Youth will Elect President!
If Kenya youth cast their vote for the right person, they will create jobs for themselves and they will build the Kenya they shall live in says Ronald Mwagombe. He adds, “Kenya youth will elect the President who shall create jobs for them. The president who shall ensure they have
Building Materials Manufacturing at DUT
Diaspora Kenyans and Ndara B Community through Ndara B Co. are creating a building materials manufacturing area. Through investments in machines and application of natural materials, over 20 building products will be manufactured in this area. The manufactured products will supply the Diaspora University Town (DUT) project and other projects.
DUT Creating Jobs in Kenya Using Edison Thinking
The world has progressed and continues to progress driven by inventors and innovators who do not despair. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors, innovators and job creators in the history of the world, set the example. His recorded quotes are even toad an inspiration Kenya has about 26 million
Using Singapore Housing Approach to Grow Kenya
In 1960 as Singapore got self-rule there was shortage of housing. People were poor and were living in shanties. One dream was to have better housing. The dream led by Lim Kim would be started through a housing development board (HDB). A simple plan, based on meeting the shortage and
Ndara B Community Kshs 10 Billion Bottom-Up Plan
Along the Voi – Taita Taveta road is the sign of Diaspora University Town (DUT). The sign reads, “Project by Ndara B Community, Diaspora Kenyans and Partners.” Ndara B Community is today creating the Ndara B Community bottom-up plan. The plan development is headed by Ronald Mwangombe and shall be implemented
Kshs 3 Billion Ndara B Co. Material Plan For DUT
The Kshs 3 billion Ndara B Company material plan for Diaspora University Town (DUT) project is a plan to supply over 15 products.