“Join DUT,' is the buzz in US, UK, Europe and other parts of the Diaspora. The buzz started after WPI Dean of Business School Emeritus, Prof. Michael Ginzberg, said, “Since 2015, Diaspora Kenyans have remitted over $25 billion, 60% coming from the U.S. If 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans had made the decision in 2015 to be part of the Diaspora University founding, some of the $25 billion remittances would already have built the buildings needed and started the university. Diaspora Kenyans. You can fund the Diaspora University Project and other projects.”

Diaspora University Town (DUT) is a project started and headed by the Diaspora Kenyans. It is a project for developing a university and a town. The current goal is to get to 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans who join by becoming Townhouse Developers or investors in the Daktari Biotechnology Medicine and Vaccine Plant establishment. Every Diaspora joining is required to commit at least $100 as he or she invests in townhouse development and/or medicine and vaccines production.

When asking that 2,000 join Prof. Ginzberg referenced the Founding of WPI (1865). He said, More than 225 WORCESTER CITIZENS and WORKERS at 20 of the CITY’S FACTORIES and MACHINE SHOPS joined in funding and founding WPI. WPI’s annual budget (2024) is over $300 million, creating thousands of direct and indirect jobs in Worcester, MA plus nearly 2,000 graduates each year.We need a similar effort now to get to 2,000 Property & MSME Developers to found Diaspora University!”

Prof. Ginzberg (Right). (Left) Dan Kamau, Prof. P. Mutisya & Dr. Wilson Endege.

The Professor of Business, speaking on how the U.S created the jobs that today enable Diaspora Kenyans to have money and live abroad, said, “One of the roles of universities and business schools is to spur innovation and promote economic development. Universities play a key role in job creation. U.S. universities have helped grow the U.S. economy to $27.5 trillion GDP.”

Dr. Wilson Endege of Boston, MA is the founder of Daktari Biotechnology Ltd. The “Join DUT,” buzz is also based on investing in medicines and vaccines and his words, “An investment of Ksh 200,000 could reach Ksh 150,000 earnings and a value of Ksh 1,5 million. A Diaspora Kenyan who looks to retire in Kenya could have their medicine needs met by the company and the medicine financed by the dividends income during their old age years.”


Dan Kamau, formerly of Worcester, MA is progressing the Diaspora University Town project that started in Worcester, MA. He has opened offices on 1,500 acres of land. He says, "The plan I am advancing will create 15,000 jobs as a university with 5,000 students, a town with 25,000 residents and 300 MSMEs are open. A GDP of Ksh 15 billion will emerge.”  

Dan adds that he looks forward to welcoming the Diaspora Kenyans as they relocate to the town or visit the town saying, “I recently welcomed Edward Wambui of Charlotte, NC who is an investor in Townhouse development, Medicine Vaccines, DUT Credit and is relocating to open a Metal Products MSME.”


To join DUT, Dan says all someone has to do is visit DUT website, click the Join DUT, fill the form and start the process of investment as instructed. He asks the Diaspora Kenyans to consider the words of WPI Dean Emeritus who said, “Diaspora Kenyans can start a university using Diaspora Remittances that come from innovation in the U.S. and in doing so promote innovation, job creation, and economic growth in Kenya.”

A Diaspora Kenyan who joins DUT will not just be investing the money he or she gets for others innovated and invested; the Diaspora Kenyan will also be appreciating and thanking those that worked hard so he or she can fly from Kenya to the US, UK  or other part and every month have food, housing, healthcare and money to remit for they have a job and income.


Dan Says, “If the ongoing 'Join DUT,' buzz reaches 300,000 Kenyans in Diaspora, we shall get 2,000 on board and create 15,000 jobs and achieve the Diaspora University Town and many more towns.“
