Advocate Cheryl Onindo, of the law firm of Onindo & Onindo Advocates, paid a visit to the Diaspora University Town (DUT). He was in Voi to review the project as he continues to set up the legal systems of DUT. The advocate also met the Ndara B Community Land Management committee. He also toured the DUT land where the project is being implemented and Ndara B Community land where 28 companies will be set up to supply materials.

Ronald Mwangombe informed the advocate on the history of Taita Taveta saying “The ancestral communities of Taita Taveta County are the Sagalla tribe, Taita tribe and Taveta tribe.” He said that he was happy with the visit by the advocate to Taita Taveta. “We should start progressing forward in legal matters so as to attract investors,” he added.
The law firm based in Nairobi, Kenya started working with the DUT founders when the housing development plan was being advanced. The firm would continue working on the development plan after it became a university town development plan. The advocate was happy with the progress made and that the first well planned town development is underway.
The advocate during the DUT tour was also working on a plan to extend and expand their law firm. DUT has created an opportunity for a law firm that will set up and implement the legal systems of the project. In the property development budget of Ksh 44.5 billion, the law firm will have substantial work as the developed property legal documents are established.

Another legal system that the advocate is working on is the integration of the law firm with the Diaspora University. The advocate looks to expand the law firm to have more than 10 lawyers who will also be part of the teaching faculty of the university.
Attorney Njoroge Kamau, one of the founders who worked on the legal systems added the teaching of Kenya Constitution. Through six courses that are already established, Kenya constitution will be taught at Diaspora University. All students joining the university will be required to take the Kenya constitution rights course that is established from Chapter 4 of Kenya Constitution.

Ronald stated that many community members did not know they had constitutional rights before the DUT project came. Ronald who on behalf of 300 community members initiated a constitutional rights petition against the Voi Court and a Voi Magistrate says that as Kenyans learn on how to defend their rights from being denied and violated.
Ronald when debating noted that whereas law plays a big role in any society advancement for it resolves disputes; the question that remains unanswered is what happens when the judicial system and judicial officers become compromised or start supporting illegality and breaking of our constitution?