Dan Kamau
Total 72 Posts
Using Singapore Housing Approach to Grow Kenya
In 1960 as Singapore got self-rule there was shortage of housing. People were poor and were living in shanties. One dream was to have better housing. The dream led by Lim Kim would be started through a housing development board (HDB). A simple plan, based on meeting the shortage and
Make Kshs 1 Billion as a Property Developer
The statement, “Make Kshs 1 billion as a property developer,” may sound impossible. However, a few Kenyans can tap into their entrepreneurial spirit and set individual goals, to make Kshs 1 billion as a property developer, and be part of those who develop property to eradicate slums in Kenya. Kenya
WPI Plan for Diaspora University
“Is the WPI Plan transferable to other universities? If the intent is to simply install the major components at another university without going through the planning and visioning process, the answer is almost certainly, “no.”, wrote Prof. John Orr in the book authored through articles by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
I’ll Bring Las Vegas to Kenya!
CathyJackie Mutahi is an entrepreneur, a go getter, one with many hats and knows how to seize opportunities. When she came across a project called Kenya University Project, she did not wait to understand what it was about she joined the project. Barely one year later, she wore a T-shirt
Six (6) Diaspora Songs by TAT Band
Diaspora University Town has inspired 6 songs since it was started. The songs are: Diaspora, Corruption, DUT Warriors, JobKazi, Mrembo Ndara and Dance Diaspora. The songs are by T.A.T band made up of Taitan Boy (Gabriel Ngao) Ade Ticha (Edward Mwadilo) and Tamara J (Margaret Wanjiku). DIasporaJobKaziCorruptionDUT WarriorsDance
Why Kenya GDP Per-Capita is at $2,200 & U.S GDP Per Capita is at $68,000
Kenya's population is today estimated at about 52 million. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at $107 billion. The GDP Per Capita income is calculated by dividing GDP by population. Kenya GDP Per Capita income is about $2,200. The USA population is estimated at about 330 million. The GDP at
Ndara B Community Kshs 10 Billion Bottom-Up Plan
Along the Voi – Taita Taveta road is the sign of Diaspora University Town (DUT). The sign reads, “Project by Ndara B Community, Diaspora Kenyans and Partners.” Ndara B Community is today creating the Ndara B Community bottom-up plan. The plan development is headed by Ronald Mwangombe and shall be implemented