In 1940 McDonald Restaurant would be open. In 1954, Ray Kroc, who was 52 years old, joined McDonald and started opening franchises. In 1959 McDonald expanded to 100 restaurants. The growth plan would increase the number of restaurants to 500 by 1963.
In 1984, when Ray Kroc passed on, 30 years after joining McDonald, there were 7,000 restaurants in 30 countries. The DUT Credit growth plan is adopting a similar approach based on jobs, houses and deposits growth.

In 2009, a university town development plan through jobs creation and houses development would be created. In 2021 DUT Credit Ltd. was opened to advance the DUT Jobs Creation and Houses development system. The first growth will be 3,000 jobs and 300 houses development. DUT Credit growth will be to Kshs 5 billion deposits. DUT Credit will also grow to become a microfinance bank.
Kenya needs over 20 million jobs created by 2030 to meet the jobs needs of unemployed and those becoming adults. Kenya's housing need in the next 10 years is about 6 million units.

As DUT system advances jobs creation to 500,00 jobs across 47 counties in Kenya and the building of 300,000 houses; DUT Credit will grow to become a bank that has Kshs 300 billion deposits and is listed in the Nairobi Stock Exchange by 2030. McDonald's grew and was listed in the U.S Stock Exchange in 1965.
The McDonald system worked because it applied planned production systems that supported production and consumption at sustainable levels. The DUT jobs creation and houses development system will create jobs and produce houses at sustainable levels.
The 37,855 McDonald restaurants in 119 countries are today owned by more than 10,000 persons. By 2030 as the DUT system creates 500,000 jobs and 300,000 houses there will be over 10,000 DUT property developers.