Ndara B Community is a community formed through their registered Community land. The community is estimated to have over 3,000 adults and 7,000 children. There is a quote that says, “Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice; Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” Ndara B community members are today founding 28 companies and Diaspora University Town (DUT) to achieve their Destiny.

DUT and 28 Companies Plans

In 2016 Ndara B Community would be introduced to a university town development plan established by the Diaspora Kenyans. The plan was looking for land to be implemented on. The community allocated the land and joined the Diaspora in achieving the plan. A second plan that would make the remaining land productive to support the university town plan was initiated. The plans will create jobs, income and new wealth for the community members.

About 200 community members on 20thJanuary 2024 continued to progress the two plans. The members present included the Ndara B community land management committee; 28 companies' plans, founding executive (CEOs); and, their boards from the 14 villages. The members paying the roles of land management committee and founders of the companies signed the lease documents to make their land productive through 14 industrial plans and 14 farming plans.

Founding Executives Lease and Developments Plans.

The 14 industrial plans will produce over 50 building materials when applying the natural resources inside the Ndara B Community land. The materials produced will be sold to the Diaspora University Town plan. The first construction budget is estimated at Ksh 4.5 billion. The 14 companies’ plan is to supply products of about Ksh 1.5 billion to this budget. The companies will create over 1,500 jobs.

The 14 farming plans will produce over 20 farming products that include animal and plant products. The plans will also be part of the environment plan of the Diaspora University Town as they take up food waste from residential homes to become animal’s feeds.

Land Management Committee Members and Founding directors sign lease.

The 28 industrial and farming plans will also be part of the Diaspora University education system. Diaspora University academic departments of engineering, business, project based learning, environment, agriculture and others will work hand in hand with the 28 companies so the companies can continue expanding their jobs creation, products productions, revenues and profits.

Estimates are that as Diaspora University first class graduates, the jobs created by the 28 companies will have surpassed 5,000 jobs and that the companies will be creating 500 new jobs a year as they expand their supply. The 28 companies’ revenue will during the same period grow and surpass the Ksh 20 billion mark; and, the shareholders will be making a return of about Ksh 4 billion.

Ronald Mwangombe talks with Executive Founder of Companies

Ronald Mwangombe who is spearheading the industrial building products production systems during the meeting said, “Ndara B Community members through these plans will advance their lives.”

The community will through the plans achieve their rights of healthcare through a hospital developed by the plans. They will achieve their right of water, housing, food, environment, children, education and other rights as they progressively make income, build houses, dams and other projects in the plans.

In the first 5 year of development about 3,000 Ndara B Members will apply their human resource productively as they take up jobs created by the two plans. About 1,500 will be working in the Diaspora University Town plan and another 1,500 working in the Ndara B 28 companies Plans.

The community members will receive income through the jobs at DUT and 28 Companies; through the investments community members invest in; through the dividends of the 28 companies; through the income the community makes through their management committee.

The two plans are expected to create new wealth of about Ksh 170 billion. About Ksh 150 billion of the new wealth will be achieved in the Diaspora University Town as university assets, properties and MSMEs. The Ndara B Community 4,000 acres farming and industrial plan will create wealth of even Ksh 20 billion as the plan produces building materials, housing products and farming products sold at DUT, Kenya and East Africa.

The community members, 28 companies and the community can end up with an estimated wealth of over Ksh 50 billion from the Ksh 170 billion new wealth created as they achieve their Destiny.
