During the Diaspora University Town (DUT) last 2024 Zoom meeting; Diaspora Kenyans discussed the DUT 2025 plan. Frank Mutura of Raleigh, NC asked his fellow Diaspora to engage other Diaspora and invite them using the DUT flyers. The goal is to achieve jobs for Kenya as Diaspora achieve a university, town, hospital and MSMEs.  


Diaspora Kenyans who migrated to the U.S from 1980 onward found the U.S. developed. They found a country with: jobs that gave them and still give them income; towns and cities with paved roads and clean air with no dust; good houses with water that they have live in and own through the mortgages; waste management systems of wastewater and house waste that ensure a clean and healthy environment every day; hospitals that give high quality treatment and medicines; power production and supply to every house with no blackouts; and, other developments.

Frank Mutura engages Diaspora Kenyans in Raleigh, NC

Most of the Diaspora Kenyans who have lived in the U.S for the last 20 years have earned over $1 million dollars in total through the jobs created in the U.S. The Diaspora Kenyans have applied the money earned toward: food, housing, healthcare and other needs. Most own the houses they live in through the mortgage system.

The Diaspora Kenyans have also remitted money to Kenya from their income. The records of Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) show the remittances from 2004 – 2024 as $38 billion. The Diaspora Kenyans who attended the last DUT zoom meeting discussed the Diaspora Kenyans DUT 2025 plan and remittances.

Diaspora Kenyans Remittances DUT 2025 Plan

The DUT 2025 plan will tap into Diaspora Kenyans remittances 2025. The DUT team through 10,000 flyers will invite Diaspora Kenyans to put in capital to achieve jobs, develop townhouses and when doing so achieve a university town similar to Lowell, MA that is home to Umass, Ann Arbor, MI home to University of Michigan or any other town/city considered as a University Town/City.

The goal is to achieve at least 1% of the estimated $4.2 billion that will be remitted invested in Diaspora University Town and be reflected in the property developed and MSMEs established.

Dr. Mwalali & Alice David give DUT Flyers at Raleigh, NC

Townhouse Development 2025 Plan

The Diaspora Kenyans stated that they shall progress the DUT plan of 3,500 townhouses by issuing DUT flyers inviting persons to join DUT as townhouse developers. The goal is to issue the remaining 2,200 units in the first two months of 2025. Thereafter progress to have 500 townhouses completed that are financed by the Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) finance product. The total finance of the 500 units is about Ksh 3.3 billion.


Diaspora University Town 2025 Plan

The town will have 10 operational departments and 300 jobs created. The departments will be developing, managing the town, managing the environment, securing the town and supporting the residents and MSMEs setting up.

Diaspora University 2025 Plan

The University will have 150 faculty and staff who shall have started working and are ready to welcome the first class completed.

The enrolment list of the first class achieved. The list will consist of 200 students, 10 each from the 20 wards of Taita Taveta in accordance with the Institution Town Development Plan approved by Taita Taveta County Assembly, and other students from other parts of Kenya and East Africa.

Diaspora University Medical Hospital 2025 Plan

The Diaspora University Medical Hospital opened as a level 3/4 hospital to meet the emergency healthcare needs of workers, town residents and students. About 150 workers work in the hospital as they offer 24 hour medical services. About 50 Diaspora Kenyans in the medical field return to Kenya to establish the hospital.

Daktari Biotechnology Ltd - Medicine and Vaccine Plant & Pharmaceutical’s 2025 Plan

The medicine and vaccine plant building construction started and ongoing by the close of 2025. The first DKTB pharmacy opened at the Diaspora University Medical Hospital.

Design – Build MSME 2025 Plan

The design-build MSME is operational at Diaspora University Town. The Design-Build delivers 150,000 square meters of space and 12 km of Roads and Infrastructure. The Design-Build employs over 1,600 persons.


50 DUT Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) & Organizations 2025 Plan

About 50 DUT MSMEs are operational and are employing about 800 persons. The MSMEs open: DUT Credit Ltd, a financial services and Capital company; Hotel, by Frank Mutura of Raleigh, NC; Church, by Bishop Donald Mwawasi of Atlanta, GA; DUT Medical Equipment and Supplies led by Bui Thuo of Riverside, CA; DUT Materials by Ronald Mwagombe of Voi, Kenya; Metal Fabrication MSME by Edward Wambui of Charlotte, NC; Laundromat by Grace Njuguna of Anaheim, CA; Printing and Office Supplies by Elizabeth Kwaheria of Kent, WA; Sportswear & Gym by Dr. Jackson Waweru of Kahawa Sukari, Nairobi; and others.

Edward Wambui (Left) of Charlotte, NC visits Steel producing company on Mombasa Road with Dan Kamau DUT Project Director (Formerly of Worcester, MA

30 Ndara B Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) 2025 Plan

30 MSMEs started by Ndara B Community will be operational with 2,000 jobs created. 15 MSMEs will be producing building materials that will be applied in the DUT design-build plan. 14 MSMEs will be producing food products and will be part of the DUT environment management system. One MSME started by Ndara B and DUT will be producing and supplying water to DUT and Ndara B.

Ndara B MSMEs Plan 