Every Diaspora Kenyan who joins the Diaspora University Town (DUT) will be able to send someone to get a job at DUT says an open letter sent by Diaspora Kenyans in DUT to their fellow Diaspora Kenyans. The Diaspora Kenyans project will create 15,000 jobs as they develop a planned University Town with a town settlement of 25,000 residents and a university with 5,000 students.
Dear Diaspora Kenyan,
RE: Become a Diaspora University Town (DUT) & Diaspora University Founder by Becoming a DUT Townhouse Developer
We, Diaspora Kenyans in the US, UK, EU or other parts of the globe, prayed so as to get a job abroad. We got the jobs that have enabled us to live in good houses and well planned towns and cities that some of us have raised our families in.
Today, millions of Kenyans aged 18–30 years, some who have finished college and university education, are praying for a job. We, Diaspora Kenyans, can answer some of the prayers by becoming Diaspora University Town (DUT) Townhouse Developers.
DUT is an ongoing project by Diaspora Kenyans, Ndara B Community and Partners.
DUT developments include: a University, a Hospital, a Town, a Medicine Vaccine Plant, a Bank, MSMEs and Organizations.
15,000 jobs will be created as a planned University Town is developed to have a town settlement of 25,000 residents and a university with 5,000 students.
We invite you to join DUT as a Townhouse Developer of the 3,500 planned townhouses. The Capital input to start the Townhouse Development is KSh 750,000 (About $5,900.) The Capital can be put in instalments.
Diaspora University Trust has established the 3,500 townhouses building plan. The plan is to complete all the townhouses as the Diaspora University first class of 4 years graduates.
The Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) finance product of: Up to KSh 10.5 million, Single digit interest, 25 years and 105% finance can finance the completed townhouses.
The KMRC financial report of 2023 showed untapped KSh 31 billion. This is money available for financing completed houses for persons with jobs and can be able to pay the mortgage.
Once a Townhouse is complete, a Diaspora Kenyan developer can sell the townhouse to persons taking up the 15,000 jobs created and get back the KSh 750,000 capital plus a profit.
A Townhouse Developer, as a Job Creator, will for each townhouse they develop send a person to take up one of the 15,000 jobs created as follows: University, 1,000 jobs; Hospital, 1,500 jobs; Town, 500 jobs; and MSMEs/Organizations, 12,000 jobs.
Learn more and Join today at DUT website www.dut.or.ke
Become a DUT Townhouse Developer, Create a Job and Answer a Prayer.
Someone created the Jobs abroad that feed us, pay our home mortgages, pay our healthcare, and meet our family needs. Join us! Let’s create jobs.
Dan Kamau of DUT, Voi (Formerly of Worcester, MA)
Diaspora University Trust – Executive Trustee & DUT – Project Director
www.dut.or.ke dan@dut.or.ke +254 743 203 168
Dr. Wilson Endege of Boston, MA
Diaspora University Trust – Chairman & Daktari Biotechnology Ltd – Founder
www.dktb.co.ke wilson@dktb.co.ke +1 781 492 6851
Prof. Philliph Mutisya of Raleigh, NC
Diaspora University Founding Professor
www.dut.or.ke univ@dut.or.ke +1 984 202 1622