Dan Kamau
Total 72 Posts
Who Kenya Youth will Elect President!
If Kenya youth cast their vote for the right person, they will create jobs for themselves and they will build the Kenya they shall live in says Ronald Mwagombe. He adds, “Kenya youth will elect the President who shall create jobs for them. The president who shall ensure they have
Kenya Economic Boom 2022 – 2030 Driven by Diaspora Remittances
As more and more Kenyans continue to join the Diaspora University Town (DUT) Project they are directing their resources toward the Kenya economic boom 2022 – 2030. This boom will be driven by Diaspora Remittances. The boom will lead to the largest GDP expansion and GDP per capita growth. Diaspora remittances
The Seven Economic Plans Integrated to Diaspora University
Diaspora University is established through an integration of sustainable systems and plans. The systems and plans make the human resource and land resources productive to meet persons social and economic needs while sustaining the environment. The seven economic plans integrated to Diaspora University are: Town Settlement Plan; Students University Education
Building Materials Manufacturing at DUT
Diaspora Kenyans and Ndara B Community through Ndara B Co. are creating a building materials manufacturing area. Through investments in machines and application of natural materials, over 20 building products will be manufactured in this area. The manufactured products will supply the Diaspora University Town (DUT) project and other projects.
How DUT Will Eradicate Slums
“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose,” Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors and innovators of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s is quoted saying. Diaspora University Town (DUT) system is for making
Kshs 30 Trillion Housing Development Opportunity in Kenya
Kenya Constitution in article 43 reads, “Every person has the right to accessible and adequate housing, and to reasonable standards of sanitation; to clean and safe water in adequate quantities.” In article 42 the Constitution reads, “Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment.” If these rights
How Mortgage Will Fund Property Development & Home Ownership in DUT
A mortgage is a loan that is advanced to a borrower to purchase a property. The property serves as collateral of the loan. The primary financiers of mortgages are the banks and financial institutions in a town or city. The secondary financiers are mortgage refinance companies that the primary financiers