At the Diaspora University Town (DUT) workshop held at the DUT site, Ronald Mwangombe presented the DUT Materials and Ndara B 15 MSMEs that will produce over 50 building materials to be applied in the construction of about 4,000 buildings and 60 km road network.

DUT Building Materials MSME

Ronald informed those in attendance that the DUT Materials is allocated 5 acres and 9.2 acres for set up. He said that the MSME will oversee the extraction of material from DUT 1,500 acres during construction. Once sold the money earned will pay costs of extraction the other will go to the Ndara B members.

The second role the company will play is the management of all building materials in accordance with the Building Material Management System.

The MSME, other role is to produce materials and systems for materials production. The MSME has so far produced various materials and systems of production that will be applied by the 15 Ndara B MSMEs.

He also stated that the MSME he is progressing to open will take up paper, plastic and metal waste from the town and apply the waste in production of materials.

Ndara B 15 MSMEs for Industries

Ronald presented the 15 MSMEs for industries and the founding executive. He said that the MSMEs are allocated about 30 – 50 acres each from the 4,000 acres Ndara B Community land. He said the MSMEs are established by 2,743 members through their 14 villages and will be producing over 50 building products.

The products will range from natural products, concrete products, wood products and metal products. He said the plans the community are working on will produce high quality products that can compete in the global.

The first market will be the DUT project where we are looking to supply products of over Ksh 10 billion as the houses and roads are constructed. He said that the new Mombasa highway based on the plan of 2018 will cut through the Ndara B. He said the SGR and current Mombasa – Nairobi highway cut through their land. He said these transport systems will connect the MSMEs with other markets in Kenya and Africa.

Building Materials to Produce

He presented the materials to produce as: Sand, Ballast, Stones, Marram, Interlock bricks, Wood & Metal Doors, Hollow & Solid Blocks, Wood & Metal Windows, Diverse Cabro products, Wood & Metal Stairs, Kerbs, Wood & Metal Rafters, Culvert,  Kitchen Cabinets, Bathroom Cabinets, Concrete Slabs and Others.

He said there is a government laboratory for material testing in Taita Taveta where he takes the materials for testing for quality. Talking about Cabro concrete products he said the products will be of diverse colors and will beautify the town.

Production Machinery

Ronald who so far has several machines for production said that diverse machines will be applied. He asked those with machines that are idle to partner with the machines and make the machines productive.

Ronald Mwangombe   +254 704 494 185