Prof. Philliph Mutisya of Raleigh, NC continues to advance the opening of Diaspora University. During the Diaspora University Town workshop he together with the trustees of Diaspora University Trust talked of the goal of having the first class in the university, September 2025.

Prof. Mutisya when presenting the Diaspora University opening Plan said, “I’m retired. I’ll be putting in a lot of time to have everything ready both in Kenya and the U.S. I’ll be meeting with scholars who shall open the university.”


The Professor also enjoyed and danced the TAT Band songs. TAT Band made up of Gen Z of Ndara B Community sang the songs Gen Z, Corruption and Sagalla Hills Marathon. The Professor was impressed by the status of the supporting plans to achieve the University and Town.

Dan Kamau presented the university endowment plan of Ksh 20 billion for financing the university property and students. He further presented the Town development plan of Ksh 15 billion Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that will support the student’s university, faculty, staff and their children through meeting their constitutional rights of housing, food, healthcare and other rights.

Pageil Mshila the DUT Environment Department Manager talked about the Environment. He referred to Kenya Constitution 42 that states, “Every person has the right  to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations.” He informed the Professor and those attending the workshop that the faculty, staff and students will live in a clean environment. He presented the department plans for trees and grass planting; clean water, waste water, and storm water management; waste management plan of paper, organic, metal, plastic and other household waste; Roads environment management plan; and the streams and parks plan.

Faith Mwachala presented the Micro Small and Medium (MSMEs) plan of DUT that will see 300 MSMEs open at DUT. The plan is allocated 140 plots and will have about 20 buildings. The MSMEs plan will create about 10,000 jobs. Faith invited those present to open MSMEs at DUT.

Architect Rose Dama presented the design-build plan that will be applied to construct the project roads and buildings that will be applied for education, residential and MSMEs.

Lucy Michael talked about the water. She said the water supply will come from four boreholes at the bottom of Sagalla Hills; and the Mughe Dam that can be expanded to reach a rainfall collection of even 8 billion liters. She is also exploring supply from the Sagalla Hill Dam on the top of the Sagalla Hills. Other sources include: Mzima Springs, Njoro Springs and Lake Challa.

Ronald Mwangombe talked about the DUT Materials MSME and the 15 Ndara B MSMEs that the community members are opening. He said over 50 materials that will be applied toward the buildings and roads will be produced by the MSMEs.

Dr. Wilson Endege the founder of Daktari Biotechnology Ltd and Chairman of Diaspora University Trust joining the workshop from Boston, MA via Zoom technology presented about the medicines and vaccines

Edson Murimi of DUT Credit Ltd presented how the company is offering financial services to the Diaspora University Town. He presented 12 credit loans that the company looks to facilitate as the project progresses. Currently the company that will be building a four story building is looking for angel, equity and other investment to enable it achieve a banking license.

Eva Iringo talked of the clothing and tailoring MSME that will be open at DUT. She said, “The company is targeting to make clothes for Diaspora University students; Diaspora University Town; Diaspora University Medical Hospital; MSMEs; Daktari Biotechnology; DUT Credit; 300 MSMEs at DUT; Primary and High Schools; 25,000 town resident’s; and, Kenya and Africa Market.

Jackson Keke presented the 14 Farming MSMEs. He said the 14 MSMEs will farm animals, insects and diverse plants. He said the MSMEs will work closely with DUT Environment and take the food waste from the homes and businesses to be applied as feeds.

Joshua Mwadeghu talked about the Sagalla Hills Marathon 2024 that will be held on 12th December 2024. “The Sagalla Hills Marathon is running for education, healthcare and tourism.”