The Democratic Republic of Congo has an outbreak of Mpox that could spread to neighboring countries. The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has declared a public health emergency of continental concern.

Diaspora Kenyans scientist’s founders of Daktari Biotechnology Ltd for producing medicines and vaccines are already discussing the Mpox outbreak.

Dr. Wilson Endege in Boston, MA states, “Mpox has now been classified by World Health Organization (WHO) as a global health emergency. So far there is one drug that is effective against Mpox that is not widely available. There is also an inactivated vaccine that is also not widely available.”

Dr. Benson Edagwa of Omaha, NE responds, “We also have a long acting nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor that is ready to go. Let me know if you know of anyone who can do preclinical efficacy studies.”

Following the COVID outbreak in 2020 the scientists fast-tracked the process to achieve a medicine and vaccine plant in Kenya at Diaspora University Town (DUT) in Voi, Taita Taveta County. Today the medicine and vaccine plant land, and building design by Prof. David Ogoli of Riverside, CA are ready. Over 200 Diaspora Kenyans and Kenyans have so far joined the scientists in building the facility.

Dan Kamau the Diaspora University Town (DUT) project director says that the Mpox is a call to Diaspora Kenyans and Kenyans to build the medicine and vaccines production facility for the scientists. Once we have over 5,000 Kenyans join in the building and equipment investment plan the scientists will progress the development of the vaccines and medicines and be part of limiting the spread through this facility. A call to invest that will achieve the Ksh 2 billion (About $16 million) can be completed by September.

A Zoom meeting will be held on 28th August 2024 that Dr. Endege will present how Daktari Biotechnology Ltd will play a role in ensuring Kenya has an institution that is ready to meet the challenges of disease outbreak as it progresses research, development and production of medicine and vaccines.

Diaspora Kenyans in the first six months of 2024 remitted $2.3 billion (about Ksh 300 billion). They have the ability to finance the building of the plant.