Joshua Mwadeghu is vying for the seat of Member of County Assembly (MCA) Kaloleni Ward to create 100,000 jobs in Taita Taveta County through 20 legislative bills on the 14 functions of county government in Kenya Constitution 2010.
His campaign poster, with his picture, lists the bills that he shall have legislated once elected as follows: 1. Healthcare Bill 2. Investment Bill 3. Food Bill 4. Water Bill 5. Housing Bill 6. Roads Bill 7. Tourism Bill 8. Fire & Disaster and other 12 bills.

He highlights that 30,000 jobs will be in Voi. Of which 20,000 jobs creation will be achieved from the Diaspora University Town project as bills are passed to fast-track the project implementation.
He writes that his job 2022 - 2027 will constitute 12,000 hours and allocates 4,000 hours to effective legislation of bills.
He informs those he is seeking to represent and those who shall invest to create the jobs that he shall allocate another 4,000 hours to oversight with utmost integrity the laws and bills passed.
He writes, “I’ll put in time to oversight through receiving information from County workers. Through powers granted in Kenya Constitution 195, I’ll ensure public money and resources are applied as per budget.”
Kenya Constitution 195 reads, “(1) A county assembly or any of its committees has power to summon any person to appear before it for the purpose of giving evidence or providing information. (2) For the purposes of clause (1), an assembly has the same powers as the High Court to— (a) enforce the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath, affirmation or otherwise; (b) compel the production of documents; and (c) issue a commission or request to examine witnesses abroad.”
His third 4,000 hours is allocated to representation anchored on humanity. On his poster he writes, “I’ll hold meetings with Kaloleni Ward residents on the Bills. The first meetings will be in August 2022 and will establish the first three (3) bills to be passed. I’ll hold meetings for the implementation of bills passed.”
Joshua is a member of Ndara B Community. He is an alumnus of Coast Institute of Technology (CIT) in Voi. He is part of those who are advancing the Diaspora University Town 20,000 jobs creation project.
He states that he is endorsed by Ndara B Community Management Committee and Members; Kaloleni ward residents, Church pastors, Muslim Imams, Diaspora University Town, T.A.T Band, DKTB Medicine & Vaccines, CIT Alumni, Boda Boda Riders & Freedom Achievers Group and Job seekers.