Generation z are persons born from 1997 to 2012. In 2024 they are persons aged 12 years to 27 years. There are approximately 9 million Gen Z in Kenya. These Gen Z are asking Diaspora Kenyans to create jobs for them with their remittances. During an event at the Diaspora University Town (DUT) of welcoming Prof. Philliph Mutisya to his founding role of Diaspora University, the Gen Z present thanked him and asked that he tell other Diaspora to join him in Jobs creation. WhatsApp/Call +254 743 203 168 

Diaspora Kenyans resulted from jobs creation in countries abroad. It is based on this fact that Diaspora Kenyans are being called upon to do what others did when they created jobs for them. Jobs are created through inventions, innovations and investments. WhatsApp/Call +254 743 203 168 

Diaspora University Town (DUT) is an innovative system that has been created by the Diaspora Kenyans to develop a town settlement and create 20,000 jobs. The plan that incorporates diverse systems of town development, university development, design build and finance will produce new wealth of about Ksh 150 billion.

The investment plan incorporates property development and MSMEs establishment. The project has 6,745 residential units, 3,500 townhouses, 3,200 apartments and 45 other residential houses. Diaspora University Kenyans who are joining to create jobs will join by becoming a townhouse developer. After joining as a townhouse developer there is opportunity to invest in MSMEs, apartments and other property.

Brian a Gen Z of Ndara B Community who is tasked to open a building material MSME that will create over 100 jobs speaks. Prof Mutisya (Right.)

The Gen Z want to build Kenya to have towns and cities with paved roads, good houses, clean water, energy, clean environment and other amenities. Their dream is to get jobs that will enable them to become parents and support the next generation.

The Gen Z at the DUT meeting informed Prof. Mutisya that they are ready to do their part of building Kenya. They asked, Are Diaspora ready? Prof. Mutisya while remembering the day he arrived in the U.S. The first jobs and thereafter the other jobs that have sustained him, on behalf of the Diaspora said the Diaspora are ready to create jobs for Gen Z. WhatsApp/Call +254 743 203 168