Diaspora Kenyans, through the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) plan, Ndara B Community 28 Industrial and Farming Companies Plan and the $500 Million remittance plan, are eyeing the Ksh 2 trillion opportunity in Kenya. The opportunity exists through the production of products that are currently imported to Kenya. Kenya is currently importing goods worth about $1.5 billion dollars (Ksh 2 trillion) every year.

The DUT plan incorporates plans of establishing industries at the Ndara B Community 4,000 acres land, DUT 1,500 acres land and other parts of Kenya where Diaspora Kenyans own land. The goal is to supply the Kenya market as population grows and consumption of goods increases to over Ksh 4 trillion
DUT Diaspora Kenyans are already investing to progress the establishment of a Medicine and Vaccine production plant at the Diaspora University Town. Today Kenya imports about $600 million (Ksh 90 billion of medicaments. As Kenya healthcare system grows the demand and consumption of medicine will grow and surpass the Ksh 200 billion. Daktari Biotechnology Ltd started by Diaspora scientists that Diaspora Kenyans are investing to build the first plant looks to take a market share of about Ksh 20 billion (10%).

Other products that Diaspora Kenyans are working on are medical supplies industries. Just like the market of medicine will grow, so shall the medical supplies. There are thousands of industries producing the products that end up in a medical supplies room of a hospital, nursing home or medical facility. The Diaspora Kenyans have started talking to these companies with a goal to open branches in Kenya.
Housing and settlement has an opportunity of over Ksh 50 trillion through the needed 6 million housing units and over 100,000 km of roads and infrastructure to service the housing and settlements. Ndara B Community has started the process that will lead to the opening of 14 companies from manufacturing building materials. Diaspora Kenyans are invited to invest in machinery and equipment.

Diaspora Kenyans are also invited to explore how the setup is the production of steel and iron. Kenya is today importing steel and iron of over $600 million (Ksh 90 billion.) Diaspora Kenyans can identify a company that is closing down in the U.S and U.K and through an operation and equipment plan relocate the company to Kenya. Ndara B Community is working on the plan of manufacturing materials of iron ore, limestone and others. Some of the materials are in their land and other lands in the County.
Kenyans have not established the production of enough edible oils that they consume every day. The second largest import after petroleum products is edible oils at over $1 billion (Ksh 150 billion.) Ndara B Community through its farming plan is looking to start the sunflower farming and farming of other plants that produce oil. The Diaspora Kenyans are invited to open processing and packaging industries.

Vehicle imports are also on the rise. The imports are over $500 million (Ksh 75 billion) every year. Diaspora Kenyans are challenged to find a way to open motor vehicle manufacturing plants. The U.S today has manufacturing plants of almost all brands of vehicles in about 18 states. Diaspora Kenyans can find a way to lure an electric car manufacturing plant to Kenya.
The Diaspora University Plan, the $500 million Diaspora Kenyans (DUT) remittance plan, the Ndara B Community 28 companies plan and other DUT plans under way will in the next 5 years (to December 2028) play a role in advancing Kenya production of goods for consumption in Kenya.