My name is Joshua Mwadeghu.
I’m an aspirant for the Kaloleni Ward Member of County Assembly Seat.
One of the Bills I will introduce in the County Assembly after August Elections is the Diaspora Investment & Incentives Bill

Diaspora Kenyans resources of intellect and cash will play a big role in the development of Kenya in the next 5 years.
Taita Taveta County is today tapping the Diaspora resources through the Diaspora University Town project by Diaspora Kenyans, Ndara B Community and Partners.
In next 5 years the Diaspora University Town project will create 20,000 jobs as a University, a Town. a Hospital, a medicine and vaccine plant, and manufacturing industries are established.
In 2021 Diaspora Kenyans remitted to Kenya $3.7 billion dollars. About Kshs 400 billion. This amount was higher than the Kshs 360 billion allocated from National Government to the 47 Counties.
The Diaspora Investment and Incentives Bill will fast-track the Diaspora University Town 20,000 jobs creation and bring more Diaspora resources to Taita Taveta County.
The Bill will be based on Kenya Constitution 185 (4) and 209 (3).
185. (4) A county assembly may receive and approve plans and policies for— (a) the management and exploitation of the county’s resources; and (b) the development and management of its infrastructure and institutions.”
209 (3) reads, “A county may impose— (a) property rates; (b) entertainment taxes; and (c) any other tax that it is authorised to impose by an Act of Parliament
The Bill will require a development plan be based on jobs creation in Taita Tavata.
The Bill will give incentives of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the County Taxes in Kenya Constitution 209 (3) and other fees based on the jobs created in Taita Taveta.
The Bill will set a 60-day approval or rejection of development plan submitted to the County Assembly.
The Bill will highlight the procedure and laws of public land and community allocation to a development in accordance with Kenya Constitution, the Land Act of 2012 and the Community Land Act of 2016.
The Bill will ensure that the clean and healthy environment right in Kenya Constitution 42 is met and set procedures, guidelines and timelines for the Environment Assessments completion in accordance with Kenya Constitution, NEMA Act, Other Acts of Parliament and County Acts.
The Bill will set timelines for government services and approvals.
The Bill will have zero tolerance on corruption and impose penalties including loss of job and a mandatory 20 years imprisonment on any officer who obstructs jobs creation, puts to risk Diaspora Investment money and deny Taita Taveta residents’ jobs and income.
The Bill will give Taita Taveta Residents and Diaspora investors the right to videorecord conversations inside a County government public office and to make the conversations public.
The Bill will ensure that a county officer will be at the office as per law of service.
The Bill will state how complaints will be made to County Assembly committees and MCAs in accordance with Kenya Constitution 195.
Kenya Constitution 195 reads, “(1) A county assembly or any of its committees has power to summon any person to appear before it for the purpose of giving evidence or providing information. (2) For the purposes of clause (1), an assembly has the same powers as the High Court to— (a) enforce the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath, affirmation or otherwise; (b) compel the production of documents; and (c) issue a commission or request to examine witnesses abroad.”
To the Diaspora Kenyans
Thank you, Dr. Endege of Boston, MA; Prof. Mutisya of Durham, NC; Dr. Shompole of Pullam, WA; Prof. Dr. Architect David Ogoli of Riverside, CA; Prof.Kimaru of Raleigh, NC; Dr. Ayanga of Hosuton, TX; RN Bui Thuo of L.A California and many other Diaspora scholars, professionals and scholars who have visited Taita Taveta as they have advanced the Diaspora University Town project.
The Diaspora Investment and Incentives Bill will facilitate you to invest your intellectual and cash in Taita Taveta County as we grow Kenya.
Taita Taveta County is endowed with minerals and resources that can support manufacturing of steel, vehicles, electronics and other products.
Bring these industries to Taita Taveta
To Taita Taveta residents,
Through the Bill, we shall invite Diaspora and target to get 10% of the estimated $20 billion dollars (Kshs 2 trillion) the Diaspora will send to Kenya in the next 5 years.
The 10% about $2 billion (Kshs 200 billion) will in next 5 years be part of creating 100,000 new jobs in Taita Taveta County.
The jobs will be created as 20 major Industries are open, good Houses built, over 1,000 kilometers of roads paved, over 1 million tourist’s visitors every year and other jobs creation plans.
To Kaloleni Voters
On August 9th you shall vote to create jobs through this bill that shall invite investors to Taita Taveta.
On this day you shall vote for a hospital that shall meet your healthcare needs.