Diaspora Kenyans like the DUT Townhouse Developer System

Diaspora Kenyans like the Diaspora University Town (DUT) Townhouse Developer (THD) system that is established by a Townhouse Investment and Development Agreement (THIDA). The system is currently developing 3,500 townhouses at the Diaspora University Town at a budget of Ksh 24.5 billion. The THD system enables one to

Destiny is Not a Matter of Chance.

At the age of 36 years, in 1896, William Jennings Bryan would be nominated for the U.S presidency by the Democratic Party. Whereas, he did not win the election, his words “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing

The Diaspora Kenyans 2000 Diaspora University Founders

During a Diaspora University Town (DUT) meeting at the end of February WPI School Dean Emeritus Prof. Michael Ginzberg challenged the Diaspora Kenyans and informed them that during the founding of WPI in 1865 more than 225 Worcester citizens and workers at 20 of the city’s factories and machine

Join DUT Buzz

“Join DUT,' is the buzz in US, UK, Europe and other parts of the Diaspora. The buzz started after WPI Dean of Business School Emeritus, Prof. Michael Ginzberg, said, “Since 2015, Diaspora Kenyans have remitted over $25 billion, 60% coming from the U.S. If 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans

Low Jobs Creation in Kenya not Because of Lack of Money

Asked why there is low jobs creation in Kenya, most Kenyans will say it is because of lack of money. Prof Michael Ginzberg, WPI Business School Dean Emeritus statements made during two zoom meetings make this answer wrong. The professor showed Kenyans that they have money and advised Diaspora Kenyans

How DUT will be like Lowell, MA

The city of Lowell, MA in the U.S is a university town with the University of Massachusetts Lowell that has about 18,500 students as one of the main economic driver’s alongside the Lowell General Hospital Healthcare System. The city has a GDP of about $4.2 billion

How DUT will Develop DUT Credit to Become a Diaspora Bank

Diaspora Kenyans have desired to have a Diaspora Bank in Kenya where they are shareholders. The idea was started based on Diaspora remittances and the view of how Diaspora can grow Kenya. The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) records show Diaspora remittances total from 2004 to 2023 as $34 billion
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