Total 117 Posts
The Diaspora Kenyans 2000 Diaspora University Founders
During a Diaspora University Town (DUT) meeting at the end of February WPI School Dean Emeritus Prof. Michael Ginzberg challenged the Diaspora Kenyans and informed them that during the founding of WPI in 1865 more than 225 Worcester citizens and workers at 20 of the city’s factories and machine
Join DUT Buzz
“Join DUT,' is the buzz in US, UK, Europe and other parts of the Diaspora. The buzz started after WPI Dean of Business School Emeritus, Prof. Michael Ginzberg, said, “Since 2015, Diaspora Kenyans have remitted over $25 billion, 60% coming from the U.S. If 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans
Edward Wambui of Charlotte, NC to set up Metal MSME at DUT.
Edward Wambui of Charlotte, NC paid a visit to Diaspora University Town (DUT). He was so excited and said, “I’ve all the machines ready for opening a metal products MSME. This is what I do in the U.S. This is what I have done in the last 27
Mbithi of California, USA Testimony on Why Diaspora Kenyans should join Daktari & DUT.
Sincerity and honesty are virtues. My name is Mbithi Muthini of San Francisco, CA. I finally joined the DUT effort with a selfish thought that it provided a good opportunity for my dream of retiring in Kenya in a planned community with amenities similar to what I experience in the
Diaspora Kenyans Say: "Dean we can get to 2000 Diaspora Kenyans Founders of Diaspora University."
Diaspora Kenyans reviewed the WPI Business School Dean Emeritus Prof. Michael Ginzberg zoom meeting message during their Saturday zoom meeting. Speaker after speaker noted that the key message of growing to 2000 Diaspora Kenyans is achievable. In conclusion the message to the professor is: “Dean, we can get to 2000
WPI Business School Dean Emeritus asks for 2,000 Diaspora Kenyans Diaspora University Founders
WPI Business School Dean Emeritus, Prof. Michael Ginzberg PhD, during a Zoom meeting, asked Diaspora Kenyans to get on board in the Diaspora University founding. Diaspora University is the main project of Diaspora University Town (DUT). The professor who has taught in over 10 universities in the U.S and
Diaspora Kenyans to Build & Equip Medicine & Vaccine Plant
Dr. Wilson Endege of Boston, MA is leading the founding of Daktari Biotechnology Ltd. The scientist who worked at Harvard University and the pharmaceutical industry in Cambridge, MA during the Saturday 24th February 2024 Diaspora University Town (DUT) zoom meeting updated on the progress of the company medicines and vaccines