Diaspora University Town (DUT) is progressing to create 15,000 jobs, a university with 5,000 students, a town that is home to 25,000 residents and 300 MSMEs. The DUT projects are: Diaspora University; Diaspora Medical Hospital; Diaspora University Town; Daktari Biotechnology Ltd, for medicines and vaccines; DUT Credit Ltd, a financial company; and, diverse MSMEs. DUT will create about Ksh 150 billion new wealth. For every job created new wealth of Ksh 10 million held through property or MSME will be created.


The new wealth of Ksh 150 billion is projected to be created as follows: Diaspora University, Hospital and Town assets valued at Ksh 30 billion; 6,745 residential properties valued at Ksh 60 billion; and, 300 MSMEs will be valued at about Ksh 60 billion.


The 3,500 townhouses are projected to reach an average value of Ksh 12.5 billion each, a total of Ksh 43 billion. The 3,200 apartments at an average of Ksh 5 million will be valued at Ksh 16 billion. The 45 other houses valued at about Ksh 1 billion.


DUT Credit Ltd, a finance company already started is projected to have a value of about Ksh 10 billion. Daktari Biotechnology Ltd, a medicines and vaccines company will have a value of about Ksh 30 billion in the Ksh 150 billion. The other companies that are projected to cross the Ksh 1 billion valuation mark include: the Design-build company, DUT Materials Company, DUT clothing, and others.


One or two Kenyans with technologies for opening MSMEs could cross the Ksh 1 billion valuation as part of DUT Ksh 150 billion new wealth development. One or two Kenyans who invest and open MSMEs at DUT to supply the Kenya market with goods currently imported and are also investors in townhouses, DUT Credit Ltd shares, Daktari Biotechnology Ltd shares investment, and Apartments could also surpass the Ksh 1 billion mark.


The project will likely have more than 100 persons who are serious founders and developers cross the Ksh 100 million as they own over Ksh 10 billion through their assets valuation of MSME, Townhouses, Apartments and MSMEs Shares.
