Mzee Anderson Mwaumba was born in the Sagalla tribe, one of the tribes in Kenya that is settled in the hills and plains that are part of the Voi town, called the Sagalla Hills. In May 2016, Bishop Donald Mwawasi of Atlanta, GA would visit Kenya and meet with Ndara B Community officials. Mzee Mwaumba was one of the officials. On 6th April 2024, Diaspora University and Diaspora University Town (DUT) lost one of our founding father's, Mzee Mwaumba.

Mzee Mwaumba (Seated Center) and Ndara B Community members at Diaspora University Town office (2018.)

Bishop Mwawasi would introduce to Mzee Mwaumba and other officials of Ndara B Community the Kenya University Project (KUP) Institution Town Development Plan that was approved by the County Assembly in accordance with Kenya Constitution 184 (4). The plan is for creating 15,000 jobs as a university, town, hospital and other MSMEs are developed. The plan needed land to be implemented on.

The DUT Plan

Mzee Mwaumba and other officials liked the plan. They requested Bishop Mwawasi for a second meeting where they invited 100 Ndara B Community members to have the plan discussed, more views incorporated and a preliminary approval made so they could call the members to a general meeting. Three months later over 70% of the Community members attended the meeting that would make Ndara B Community a founder and developer of a University and Town.

Mzee Mwaumba (Standing 2nd right) and Ndara B Community Land Management Committee meeting with Dr. Endege from Boston (Seated 2nd Left) 2022 

The officials would thereafter oversee the land survey, physical plan approval by the County Government and change of use at the land control board. By the end of 2017, the Diaspora University Trust created took over the founding of Diaspora University and Diaspora University Town. The offices of Diaspora University Town development were open at Voi in 2018.

Founding is not easy, especially when you have people filled with the evil spirit of pride, greed, envy and corruption. The Voi Magistrate Court would open a case filed by two members of Ndara B Community against Mzee Mwaumba and four others.

The five in 2018 and 2019 would be summoned to Deputy County Commissioners DCC office Voi and DCC office Mwatate; Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCi) Voi and Mwatate; and, constantly appear in court. Mzee Mwaumba at times walking over 4 km from his home to Voi and back to answer the summons and attend court.

Mzee Mwaunba (2nd Right), Mzee Mghanga (Right), Mzee Mwandaa (3rd Right),Ndara B Members and Rtd Col Nyangals (Left) at DCC Mwatate offices 2018. 

The five officials had done nothing wrong. The government officials filled with the evil spirit would team up with others in the Executive and County Assembly. They started using the government systems created by the Constitution and funded by the public to make sure that the community does not achieve their rights through the DUT project.

They started misinterpreting the Constitution saying the Ndara B Community land is unregistered community land held by County Government. The police were looped in constantly disrupting the progress of Diaspora University Town development.

Mzee Mwaumba, the soft spoken leader, on 8th October 2020 following a court attendance would make a statement that would lead to the start of a more aggressive approach. The approach started was based on Kenya Constitution 19 (3) that states, “The rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights— (a) belong to each individual and are not granted by the State.”

Dan Kamau (DUT Director), Anderson Mwaumba and other Diaspora during meeting at DUT site 12th October 2020.

Four days later, on 12th October 2020, close to 400 Members of Ndara B Community and Diaspora Kenyans converged at Diaspora University Town and started progressing the Diaspora University Town project.  

Ndara B Community members on learning how a few individuals were using the government offices to oppress their leaders started fighting back. TAT band made up of three young Ndara B Community members started singing songs with the members fully behind them.

Songs by TAT

Mzee Mwaumba knew if the community register was destroyed, making a new register would be impossible. Ndara B Community land could be taken away. He started updating the register. Through the updated register, Ndara B Community was able to achieve the election of 2021.

About 1,500 adult members participated in the 2021 election and elected the 15 member committee. Mzee Mwaumba was re-elected to serve the community by the members of his Kalembe village. He continued to lead the update of the register and in August 2022 with his team delivered the 2,743 member updated register that was further broken down to 14 villages.

Mzee Mwaunba (Squaring 2nd Right), Ndara B Community Land Management Committee and Diaspora Kenyans (2021.) 

Today this register is part of the development of the Diaspora University, Diaspora University Town, DUT Credit and the Ndara B 28 industrial and farming companies that the community is opening in accordance with Ndara B Community Development Plan.

As Diaspora University progresses Ndara B Community members seeking for jobs are expected to get jobs in the DUT 15,000 jobs plan and the 5,000 jobs created by the Ndara B 28 Companies plan.

Estimates are that the 28 companies could grow and reach revenues of Ksh 20 billion a year as they supply DUT and Kenya with building materials and become part of the food supply for the growing Kenya population.

Mzee Mwaumba (With blue cap) during a Ndara B Community Land Management Committee meeting.

Rest in peace our Diaspora University and Diaspora University Town Founder. We shall progress and achieve the Diaspora University, the Town, the Hospital, the 28 Companies and other developments. Your legacy shall teach Diaspora University students for many years to come that the spirit of good shall forever defeat the spirit of evil.