Kenya Constitution in article 43 reads, “Every person has the right to accessible and adequate housing, and to reasonable standards of sanitation; to clean and safe water in adequate quantities.” In article 42 the Constitution reads, “Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment.”

If these rights were to be met for all Kenyans living in Kenya in the next 10 years, about Kshs 30 trillion of housing development is needed.

The housing opportunity is calculated based on Kenya's deficit of about 3 million housing units and another 3 million housing units needed in the next 10 years, based on Kenya's population growth of about 12 million. The six (6) million housing units at an average of Kshs 5 million is the Kshs 30 trillion housing opportunity.

Diaspora University Town (DUT) design.

Diaspora University Town (DUT) jobs creation and housing development system is created to meet the constitutional rights of Kenyans through creating jobs that enable a person to get their rights of housing, clean water and environment.

The DUT system is also created to grow wealth for those who become property developers as they develop the houses. In the Kshs 30 million there is an opportunity of about Kshs 6 trillion that is calculated based on a developer income of 20%. Those who put in the capital for development will have the capital make this income.


To build houses and create the right environment there is a need for building materials and other related products. Estimates are that 40% of the Kshs 30 trillion will go toward building materials and other products that will be applied to produce the houses and the environment.

This means that the SMEs producing the materials and products would make sales revenue of about Kshs 12 trillion.

Interlocking Blocks and Pavers made in Taita Taveta County

The DUT system continues to bring together those interested in producing the building materials through setting up of SMEs to supply DUT project and thereafter working closely with the university and using the DUT system be part of supplying Kenya market.  

Ndara B Community, the founder of the DUT project, leads those who are already setting up production systems of building materials. The plans of the community that will be implemented through a company are for producing stones, sand, ballast, blocks, curbs, panels and other products for the building.

Ronald Mwangombe the Executive Director of Ndara B Company at the Ndara B sand production site.

The DUT system will bring together entrepreneurs who shall produce the building materials in an organized and cost-efficient way as they set up small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs will form the DUT system of jobs creation and houses development that meet the constitutional rights of the working Kenyans.

(Dan Kamau, formerly of Worcester, MA, is the Diaspora University Trust – Executive Trustee and a Director in DUT Credit Ltd  Dan can be reached via Email )
